Jubilee Year Two: Rejoice

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Our Parish History

Founding Pastor: Msgr. John Hannan
Parish Founded: 1963
Church Dedication: 1965
Additional Dates of Importance:  A new Church was built in 1985

Queen of Apostles Catholic School
Founded: 1966
Founding Pastor:  Msgr. John Hannan

Click on the link to read more about our parish and school history.


Take a tour of our parish grounds

Coming soon!

"My soul rejoices in the Lord"

There are many ways to get closer to our Blessed Mother during this second year of our Diocesan Jubilee celebration. We have provided a few resources for you (provided by our Diocese):

Rosary Guides and Prayer Cards

Rosary Guide in English

Rosary Guide in Spanish

Year II Prayer Card English

Year II Prayer Card Spanish


“Listen and understand, my littlest son, let nothing frighten and afflict you or trouble your heart…Am I not here, I , who am your mother?” ~Our Lady of Guadalupe

Come Visit our Adoration Chapel

Our Adoration Chapel is opened from Wednesday (after the 9:00am mass) until Saturday (before the 8:00am mass).

If you would like to sign-up to be a scheduled adorer, please contact our Adoration Ministry Coordinator, Sonia Oppus at: sonia@oppusfamily.com  or (408)-660-9568

Come Visit our Parish Gift Shop

Our gift shop is located in the Parish Office!

We are opened: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (closed from 12:00pm to 12:45pm for lunch).

You may contact the parish office for more information: 703-354-8711 or at general@queenofapostles.org