Legion of Mary

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“It was through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus came into the world, and it is also through her that he must reign in the world.” (Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort)

The Legion of Mary, founded in 1921 by the Servant of God Frank Duff, is a worldwide lay organization dedicated to the sanctification of its members and the evangelization of the parish and surrounding areas through spiritual works of mercy. Each parish group is known as a praesidium; Our Lady of Hope Praesidium was established at Queen of Apostles Church in May 1993.

Active members attend a weekly 90-minute meeting with a program of prayer, study, reporting, and planning. Under the guidance of our Blessed Mother and the praesidium’s Spiritual Director, the meeting provides growth in missionary discipleship and the formation of an intentional community with the object of love and zeal for evangelizing others. Members pray daily the Canticle of Mary, known as the Catena Legionis (Chain of the Legion). Finally, they perform a weekly work assignment of at least two hours, according to the needs of the parish and the Legion.

Meetings are on Thursdays at 6:00 PM at the Parish Office (conference room entrance), and guests are always welcome to learn more about the Legion of Mary in person!

Auxiliary members pray daily the Legion of Mary’s prayer pamphlet, known as the Tessera. It consists of the Rosary, the Canticle of Mary, and a couple short prayers. They are also invited to join active members every March at the Legion’s re-dedication ceremony, known as the Acies, and in September for a social reunion.

Queen of Apostles parishioners can request a home visit or more information from the Legion of Mary on:

For More Information: legionofmary@queenofapostles.org or call the Parish Office

Officers: Fr. Paul Berghout (Spiritual Director); Matt Godbey (President); Jim Bailey (Vice President); Beau Lovdahl (Secretary); Jean Hetsko (Treasurer)