Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the protection of the Blessed Mother, this ministry helps adults to deepen their understanding of Holy Scripture and Catholic Tradition, and to acquire basic Bible literacy.
Sessions include video presentations by well-known experts in Catholic theology, followed by a lively facilitated group discussion. . There is a nominal fee to cover study materials and program costs.
Bible study participants have the opportunity to cultivate deep friendships and share their faith, their struggles, and their prayers—in the classroom, at optional social activities, and in daily life. The program is directed by a volunteer Steering Group, under the guidance of our pastor.
Volunteer Opportunities: Discussion Facilitators, Hospitality Team, Logistics & Setup Team, Promotion Team, Social Event Coordinators, Track Leaders
Coordinator: Deacon Vincent Kapral
Email: v.kapral@queenofapostles.org
Coordinator Since: 2021
If you can commit 15 hours per year, you will...
Commit to 90-minute classes once a week, with about an hour of weekly reading and workbook assignments between classes. At present there are three semesters—Fall, Winter and Spring—each of which typically last 8 weeks.