Posted on November 12, 2021 View all News
Dear Parishioners,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Autumn season; this time inspires me a lot to rediscover the presence of God in nature and to enjoy His perfection when I see the change in the colors of the trees. It is an unmistakable sign of His presence among us.
We are two weeks away from finishing this liturgical year, next Sunday, we will celebrate the feast of Christ the King, and soon we will start a new liturgical year. In the same way, we will publish the calendar with the different activities for Advent and Christmas so that you can schedule them in your calendar ahead of time. We will have the missals and songbooks on the pews again on the last weekend of this month. I know that many were wondering if we would use them again, and the answer is yes, we have received them, and soon will be part of our liturgies again, and thus we will return to normal life in our liturgical celebrations.
The reconstruction of Hannan Hall is already progressing; this week, the workers have installed the new windows, the bathrooms are well advanced, and they will soon begin to install new appliances in the kitchen: refrigerator, freezer, and an ice machine. Also, the electrical system has been improved, we discovered that the wiring had not been changed since it was built back in the sixties. Thank God we have taken care of that and prevented any future damages to our electrical system. We hope to bless the renovated Hannan Hall for the first Social Sunday in December if all goes well and the materials arrive on time. Thank you for your patience and collaboration so that these works are done in the best possible way.
Next week is the week dedicated to Catholic Schools. It is a week to pray for our school and promote it; Thank God our school is improving. This year we have more children than last year; our principal is working together with the entire faculty and staff to improve each day and provide a better education for our children. I thank all those who directly sponsor some of our children at the school. God bless you! Your donations help low-income students to have a quality education. At the same time, I encourage you to consider supporting one of our children next year, either with a full or half scholarship. Remember, we live in times of moral crisis in many of our public schools, and many parents would like to send their children to our school, but their funds are limited; I always pray that we can have more angels to help our students.
Finally, this weekend we will have one of the seminarians from our diocese who will come to share with us his vocational experience. This weekend is dedicated to praying for our seminarians, who are the future of our diocese. Let us ask the Lord to give us Saints and Wise seminarians and to have good priests in the future.
God bless you.
Fr. Alex