Posted on October 29, 2021 View all News
Dear parishioners:
This Sunday’s Gospel gives a lot to ponder and a lot to learn; Today, we are presented with the scene of Bartimaeus, a blind man, who when noticing that Jesus was near, begins to shout at Him to have compassion for His misery. Many try to silence him so that he does not interrupt the teacher, but he does not listen to the foolish comments of the people who seek to shut him up. In the end, he gets Jesus to heal him thanks to his insistence and his great faith. When I imagine this scene, I always identify with the blind man. On more than one occasion, we allow our blindness to separate us from the happiness of meeting more with Jesus. He passes through our lives, but we are so focused on our poverties that we forget that Jesus can change everything and give us what is best for us. We must imitate this man, who did not allow those around Jesus to shut him up, the more they kept telling him to be silent, the more he shouted, this means that the more the devil wants to appease our faith, the more we have to pray and allow ourselves to be found by Jesus. We should not be afraid of those who seek to silence us and separate us from the truth. The gospel’s truth is the voice that should not be silenced but instead proclaimed with more force.
I want to give you a summary of the work that we are doing in Hannan Hall. The workers have already put the new ceiling and the new lights, and the plumbing has been modified; right now, they are completely renovating the two bathrooms, which will have everything completely new. Also, the kitchen will have new accessories and a serving window. We will also change all the windows and put in a new, more modern sound system that can be used at large events. If everything goes as planned, I hope that the first weekend in December we can have our first Social Sunday, and that day after the 8:00 am Mass we will bless what has been renovated, I thank you for your patience and your prayers for this project.
I appreciate your expressions of affection and your congratulations last Monday on my birthday. God bless you. I have you in my prayers; I also ask you to pray for me and my priestly ministry. I am very happy to be your pastor and be in this parish. Last Saturday, in the procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima, I thanked you for the gift of having brought me to work with you and consecrated all of you under her immaculate heart. I thank you for your support, and I ask you to help me continue to guide this parish according to the will of our Lord; know that in my imperfections and amid my sins, I try to do the best I can to bring you closer to God. Again, thank you very much for your kindnesses towards me, know that I love you very much.
May the immaculate heart of Mary to whom we have consecrated help us to continue working for our holiness. I have you in my prayers.
Fr. Alex