Posted on March 10, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Incredible, we have started the second week of March, and it has been three years since the pandemic hit us and changed our lives almost completely, this test took away the joy of sharing, of greeting each other freely, of meeting in groups of faith, and almost robbed us of our sacramental and liturgical life. Sadly many have not yet returned to share their life of faith; many accommodated themselves and others simply excused themselves to distance themselves from their apostolic commitment. Three years after all this, I am still inviting them to participate in the active life of the parish. To be honest, there are times when I feel disappointed, because it seems that interest in evangelization has been lost, as many already don’t care about the life of faith. And I apologize for being so obvious and candid, but that’s how I feel sometimes, I pray to God as long as this is just a lesson in faith for me.
After three years of all this beginning, it is important to plant ourselves as Christians that we have learned, what teaching God has left us during all this time, personally I have learned to value life, freedom, family, friends and all those that surround us, I have to value you all more because i’ve missed sharing with many of you, approaching without fear, without complexes and precautions and what is most beautiful, to value the smile and beauty of life that God has manifested to us on our faces. Let’s keep praying for this to finally end. I also invite everyone to return to daily masses and Sunday masses, it is time to begin to overcome fear and return to being Church, to being a parish. Blessed be God for giving us the gift of life and for his infinite mercy.
I also want to invite you to participate in the 40 hours of Eucharistic adoration, on March 22, 23 and 24; It is a great opportunity to pray for the diocese, for our bishop and especially for our parish, for our ministries and movements. I invite you to dedicate one hour of these 40 hours to be with the Lord, to watch with Him, so as not to fall into temptation and routine, (Mt.26, 41), we have so much to pray and give thanks for. I ask that all ministries and movements take one or more hours as a group to be with the Lord. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed uninterruptedly in the temple, only the replacement will be made without blessing before each morning mass. I am so excited for this great experience of Faith. I invite you to sign up, we have the registrations in the lobby so that you know what time you will take to be with the Lord
Finally, I invite you to participate in the dancing dinner for marriages on March 18 for the feast of Saint Joseph, it is an exclusive activity for married couples, the cost of the ticket is $100, that includes dinner and other activities that we will have for our couples, I encourage you to participate with your partner. It is always nice to share with your wife or husband or your boyfriend or girlfriend. We wait for you. Purchase your cards in the parish office or after Masses.
May God bless you all and let us continue to pray for peace in the world.
P. Alex