Posted on August 4, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear Parishioners:
Today, the Gospel tells us about the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor. Jesus, after Peter’s confession, began to show the need for the Son of man to be put to death, and also announced his resurrection on the third day. In this context we must situate the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. San Anastasio writes that “He had clothed himself in our miserable fur tunic, today he has put on the divine garment, and the light has wrapped him like a cloak”. The message that the transfigured Jesus brings us are the words of the Father: «This is my beloved Son; listen to him” (Mt 17,5). Listening means doing his will, contemplating his person, imitating him, putting his advice into practice, taking up our cross and following him. The episode of the transfiguration is a sample of what awaits each and every one of us if we only imitate Jesus and climb the mountain of sacrifice and let ourselves be transformed by him, if we open our hearts and listen to what he tells us in his gospel.
Changing the subject a little, I have noticed that many have the habit of leaving the Eucharist immediately after receiving communion, it is my duty as your pastor to correct this attitude that I am seeing become common; respect for the Holy Eucharist implies reverence, love and gratitude because despite being unworthy, it is important to give thanks in silence and recollection for the gift of the Eucharist. In the Communion Thanksgiving, mourn your sins at the feet of Jesus as Magdalene (Jn. 12,3), we must promise fidelity and love, make sacrifices for all disorderly actions, our indifference, and reparations. Ask him for the grace to no longer offend him, profess that we would rather die than offend him. We can ask for what we want; It is the moment of grace, and Jesus enters our hearts willing to give us his own Kingdom, let us not let that precious moment pass by receiving him without the reverence and adoration that he deserves.
At the parish level, on September 10 we will begin the religious education program, and thank God we have several children and young people registered, but there are still many who were registered in the confirmation program who have not returned to register. I invite the Parents, do not leave registration until the last minute. I am very happy with the response of many parents who are interested in their children being formed in the faith, however, we still need volunteers to help us as catechists, some of our former catechists will no longer be able to help this year, I ask you to Please consider helping out in this program. Forming the church of tomorrow is always a commitment of all.
I also inform you that this weekend and the next some members of the Staff will be selling raffle tickets as well as for the Festival food, if you buy the tickets beforehand you will avoid queuing on the day of the festival and go directly to buy what you want . I have the feeling that it will be a great day, to enjoy with the family, we will have different games for the children, live music, Mariachi, typical dances and many other surprises; As I have mentioned before, the goal is to come closer together as a parish and get to know each other more.
Finally, I let you know that many have not returned the raffle tickets, I know it is three weeks away, but I ask you to send them as soon as possible and so we can start working on organizing the raffle. I ask you to help us by promoting the raffle and the festival, it is a great opportunity to make a little profit and support the projects of the parish. Help me by selling the tickets and promoting the raffle.
I have you in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Alex