Pastor’s Letter | The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Posted on May 30, 2024 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear brothers and sisters, 

This weekend, we reverently celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). We solemnly acknowledge the Eucharistic presence of Christ among us, the “gift par excellence”: “This is my body (…). This is my blood” (Mk 14, 22-24). The Eucharist is not just a symbol, but the actual presence of Christ among us. The resurrected and glorious Christ remains among us in a mysterious but real way in the Eucharist. This presence calls for our Adoration and personal communion with Him. The Eucharistic presence assures us that He remains among us and continues the work of salvation. The Eucharist is not just a ritual, but a profound mystery of faith. It is the heart and the key to the life of the Church. It is the source and foundation of Christian existence. Without the Eucharistic experience, the Christian faith would be reduced to a mere philosophy. But through faith, we know that this is not the case. It is the greatest miracle, it is His living presence, which nourishes us and accompanies us at all times. 

On this Sunday dedicated to the Eucharist, I want to stress the importance of the Adoration Chapel. During the month of May, we faced numerous challenges in covering the hours of Adoration, particularly during the night. We are in need of more adorers. I urge those who have not yet taken the time to be with Jesus in the Eucharist to consider dedicating an hour a week. Otherwise, we may have to reduce the Adoration time from three days to two or one day and one night. This decision is not taken lightly, as it is stressful for the coordinator to constantly seek two or more adorers per day or sometimes more every week. I humbly ask for your prayers and your active participation in this matter. 

I want to raise awareness of our ministerial reality. This year, we need more Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion because several of the active ministers will no longer continue, some for health reasons and others because they have moved from the area for work reasons. If anyone is interested, please contact one of the priests or call us at the parish office to learn how to be part of this beautiful ministry. 

Next Saturday, June 8, is the diocesan Jubilee festival in honor of the 50 years of the founding of our diocese; the festival will be held at the Warren County Fairgrounds; the festival will begin at 3:45 pm with a Marian procession, then Our bishop Michael Burbidge will celebrate the holy mass, concelebrated by many priests of our diocese, after the mass you will be able to enjoy all the attractions that will be prepared if you wish to participate please register at this link that the diocese has created https://www 

Finally, registration for our Religious Education program is now open. Please register as soon as possible; the sooner you do it, the sooner we will begin to prepare the materials. Also, I invite those adults who have not yet completed their sacraments to enroll in RCIA programs to receive the sacraments at next year’s Easter Vigil. 

I have you in my prayers. 

Fr. Alex