Pastor’s Letter | The Ascension of the Lord

Posted on May 10, 2024 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, a momentous occasion that offers us a salvation beyond our wildest imagination. It’s not just about the Lord Jesus triumphing over death and sin through His resurrection, but also about His glorious ascension to the Father! Before His return, He entrusted His disciples with a mission to spread the Gospel, inviting all to believe in Him and join Him in His glory. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mk. 16:15-16).

This salvation that is given to us consists, finally, in living the very life of God, as the Gospel according to Saint John tells us:  “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ” (Jn. 17:3). But what is given out of love must be accepted in love to be received as a gift. Jesus Christ, whom we have not seen, wants us to offer Him our love through our faith, which we receive by listening to the word of his ministers, whom we can see and feel. Let us feel loved and sent by the Lord, and let us commit to being true proclaimers of the Gospel.

The First Communions have already concluded, and many of our children now have the privilege of receiving Jesus in the Eucharist; what a great grace! Therefore, I want to invite children to consider being altar servers; we need more altar servers, as happens every year, this year we will also lose some of our altar servers; some are going to college, others for various reasons, and many have already grown up, and it is time to begin a new stage in their lives. As your parish pastor, I thank you for all the help and service you have provided to the parish. Now, it is time for new generations to replace them. I invite parents to encourage their children to participate in this great ministry, to be servants of the altar, of the Eucharistic sacrifice. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at the parish office.

On the upcoming Saturday, May 18, we will be celebrating a significant milestone in the life of our beloved Father Paul Berghout-28 years of priesthood. I invite you to join me in prayer and gratitude for the fruitful and faithful ministry that Father Paul has dedicated himself to over these years. I am deeply inspired by Father Paul’s unwavering love for the Virgin Mary, his compassionate care for the sick, and his tireless ministry. Let us all thank God for the gift of Father Paul’s priestly service. Congratulations, Father Paul, on this milestone. We look forward to many more years of your inspiring ministry!

Finally, I must remember that this Sunday is extraordinary because we celebrate Mother’s Day. Congratulations to all our mothers; we will never have enough words to congratulate them. A mother is a living representation of God’s love for each child; a mother always gives us life, understands us, educates, corrects, guides, forgives, and all out of love. A mother is the greatest gift that God has given us, and that is why, on this day, we recognize that gift in them, and we pray that God protects them, protects them, and always keeps them healthy. At the same time, we also pray for the souls of those who have already returned to the Father’s house; we commend them in our prayers. I congratulate all the mothers of Queen of the Apostles and commend them to my prayers. I hope your children celebrate this day with you and love you more every day.

Fr. Alex