Posted on October 30, 2020 View all News
This post is also available in: Spanish
Dear Parishioners,
I hope and pray that this message finds you and your loved ones well!
This Sunday is a great day because we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. This feast allows us to reflect on the possibility of holiness in life; it calls us to not focus so much on our works but on what God has been doing in us. This day, the Word of God presents us with the reality of a multitude of saints, full of evangelical life, the experience of God, and works of charity. Saints who have al-ready passed from death into eternal life. These saints invite us to follow their example of life, a reality that we have present every time we profess the Creed, “I believe in the communion of saints.”
Next Tuesday, November 3rd, is Election Day. It’s an important day for our country; I encourage you to vote, is our duty as citizens. I encourage you to visit our diocese website where you can find Election resources. On that day, as a parish, we will have the Adoration for our Nation, a personal day of prayer for this intention. We will expose the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 am until 7:00 pm. Due to the new renovations in the Sanctuary starting next week, the Blessed Sacrament will move temporarily to the Adoration Chapel.
Due to the COVID protocols, only four people can be in the chapel simultaneously; parishioners are encouraged to sign up for 1/2 hour increments. The sign-up sheet can be found in the church vestibule. A volunteer will be helping with the timing and making sure safety protocols are being followed.
Again, I remind you about the work in the Sanctuary that will begin next week. We will start with the change of lights on the altar and the ceiling and the walls’ painting. I know this can be a bit uncomfortable, but the result will be excellent, and we will all be happy with it. I ask for your patience, understanding, and support. All of this work to beautify our Church has been accomplished thanks to your generous donations. May God bless you for your generosity.
As you may have felt, the weather has already changed, and it is getting darker earlier; therefore, we will begin to hear confes-sions in the afternoons inside the Church; without using the confessionals, for this, we will be using confessional screens so that you may confess with more privacy since some do not feel comfortable doing it face to face.
Finally, I remind you that on Monday, November 2nd, we will have two additional Masses to pray for our faithful departed, one at 5 in Latin with readings in English and the second at 7:00 pm in Spanish. These will be two special Masses to pray for our parish-ioners and relatives who have already returned to the Father’s house. May all of them rest in peace.
Have a blessed weekend and may God Bless you.
Fr. Diaz