Posted on February 24, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear parishioners,
In my letter last week I shared with you about the Synod of Bishops that Pope Francis has called for next year, 2023. He has asked for the preparation of this to be carried out with dialogue and reflection, which must be done in all dioceses and parishes around the world. In order to know the challenges of each particular church, each parish has to do dialogue sessions with its parishioners. For this reason, I invite everyone to participate, especially members of ministries and active groups of our parish. These sessions will take place on March 4th and April 8th in English and on March 17th, in Spanish. I hope to see you there and participate in this event of faith that will further enrich our church.
If you noticed, last week at Mass we had our first reminder about the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. As we already know, it is an opportunity for us to support the programs that the bishop has in the diocese. In his letter this year our bishop encourages us to collaborate: “I ask you to consider making a pledge to the BLA this year as a reflection of the abundant graces flowing from Christ’s self-gift. Your offering will enable the various programs and ministries of the Diocese of Arlington to extend the life and love of Christ in exciting ways. With your support of the BLA, we will continue to make visible the sacrificial love of Our Lord Jesus to those throughout our diocese and beyond” (Bishop Burbidge). Some of you have already received the envelopes and information in the mail inviting you to make this year’s pledge. I humbly ask you to collaborate in this year’s campaign. If you have not done so, you will have the opportunity to do so on the last weekend of this month, which will be February 26th-27th. On behave of our bishop, thank you for your sacrifice and collaboration.
I also want to remind you that our ministries are still in need of your help, especially our lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Holy Communion, and ushers. When I see that we lack many hands to continue evangelizing, the words that come to mind are those from our Lord Jesus, “The harvest is great and the workers are few. Pray to the owner of the harvest to send workers to his harvest…” (Mt.9, 38). Thanks be to God, right now in our parish, the harvest is abundant and I need more workers to help us distribute communion, welcome members into the church and proclaim the word as lectors. The Lord calls you today to serve Him; if you feel called, contact us at the parish office and we will guide you to become part of one of our ministries.
Finally, I want to congratulate the catechists who are preparing our children for the sacrament of communion. Last Saturday they made their first confession, it was their first encounter with mercy through forgiveness. Our catechists truly have done a wonderful job. I also invite parents to continue preparing their children for the great encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist this May.
I hope you have a blessed week and remember that you are always in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,
F. Alex