Pastor’s Letter | Pentecost Sunday

Posted on June 8, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,

Today, we celebrate throughout the Universal Church the great Solemnity of Pentecost. This solemnity begins the universality of the Church, and since that day on, it has been the force that guides and inspires the Church forever. That day, the apostles, along with Mary, were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to preach courageously. The Holy Spirit had transformed those frightened men into courageous preachers who feared neither prison, torture, nor martyrdom. The strength of the Spirit was in them and will continue to work permanently to this day. As Christians, we must be clear that The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, is the soul of our soul, the life of our life, the being of our being; He is our sanctifier, the guest of our deepest interior. To reach maturity in the life of faith, the relationship with Him must be more and more conscious, more personal. Therefore, in this celebration of Pentecost, let us open wide our interior doors.

Thanks to the inspiring action of the Holy Spirit, next weekend, we will begin the first stage of an evangelization project. You will realize that the homilies that we priests will preach will be focused on this pastoral vision. This pastoral project is based on marriage and family. To start it, we will do an anonymous survey that I invite everyone to answer. After the homily, we all will answer the survey using our cell phones; the objective will be to discover the challenges or difficulties that we have, and based on the results that we have, we will begin to develop this project of pastoral action for our parish. I ask for your support to make this a success.

Also, I continue to invite all the new parishioners to the welcome gathering that we will have on June 11th. I want to meet you, listen to your questions or suggestions, and at the same time let you know about our parish programs. The reception will be after the 5:00 pm Mass in English and after the 7:00 pm Mass in Spanish. So, if you are one of the newly registered parishioners after the pandemic, I invite you to participate.

To conclude, I want to inform you that this month an in-depth study (Parish Assessment) will be made of all the parish buildings to determine the most urgent areas that need to be repaired. The parish buildings for many years have not received proper maintenance and are already much damaged; the idea is to repair and rebuild those areas that are in deplorable condition. For this, I will need your support. I greatly appreciate all those who responsibly continue to donate to the Capital Campaign; without your help, the areas have already been completed could not have been rebuilt. I encourage all those who have not yet made a donation pledge to do so. We need your help to continue working and rebuilding God’s house. You still have two years left to make your pledge. In the coming weeks, the results of what we have received will be published in the bulletin so that everyone can see where their donations have been used.

I hope you have a blessed week, and I have you in my prayers.

Fr. Alex