Posted on November 9, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear parishioners,
May the grace of God be with you all. I hope you are well and that you are continuing to work for the construction of the kingdom of God as we have done until today. We have begun the month of October, a month dedicated to our mother Mary; it is also a month dedicated to praying the rosary. This month I invite you to pray the rosary because asking for the intercession of our Mother is always important, especially because our parish is consecrated to her maternal protection.
In this month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, we will again consecrate ourselves to her maternal care. This year we will once again carry out the procession of light, walking through a few streets of our neighborhood and then in the holy mass we will recite the prayer that our Blessed Mother requested at Fatima. I invite all of you to participate in this beautiful procession. We will carry out the procession on Saturday, October 15th at 4:30pm. We will only carry out a bilingual solemn mass at 6:30 pm, we will not have a 5:00pm mass nor a 7:00pm mass, but only one mass. I invite you to participate in this celebration of faith and hope.
Also, I invite all those who have pets to participate in the blessing of the animals that we will have this upcoming Tuesday, October 4th on the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. The animals accompany us everyday and it is a nice gesture to bring them to receive a special blessing and to thank God for their company. The blessing will be at 5:00pm in front of the parish doors.
I continue to invite more couples to join us in the activities that our new parish marriage ministry, GEM, is coordinating. As a parish, my dream is to create a strong marriage ministry that will last for years to come. 17 married couples attended the first event and they were very moved by how the activity went. On Friday, October 14th, we will have our second event, Couple’s Trivia Night, at 7:00pm in Hannan Hall, please visit our parish website or parish app for more information. In these times of moral crisis, the formation and spiritual growth of our marriages is very important, because the formation and evangelization of the family, which is the future of our society, depends on their evangelization. I invite you to register for the next event- the parish offers child care!
Finally, I sincerely appreciate all the financial help you all give to keep our parish alive, without your financial support we could not continue, remember that a parish is a great family of faith, where we all contribute and collaborate to make it grow. At the beginning of this year we made improvements in online donations (Pushpay). I invite those who are not yet making their donations online to please do so; it is safe and it is a way to support the parish. If you have any questions about online giving I invite you to call the parish office or come by and we will be happy to assist you.
I hope you have a blessed weekend. I have you in my daily prayer and know that I am very happy to be your spiritual guide.
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Alex