Posted on June 14, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
This Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of the Holy Trinity, the greatest and deepest mystery of our faith, and only by faith can we understand it. Today we will worship our God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God in three Persons, in whose name we have been baptized. By the grace of Baptism we are called to have a part in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. Through Baptism we have been made participants in divine life, becoming children of God the Father, brothers in Christ and temples of the Holy Spirit. In Baptism our Christian life has begun and receiving the vocation to holiness. Baptism makes us belong to the One who is the Holy One par excellence, the “three times holy” (Is 6:3). I ask that with deep gratitude for the benevolent design of our God, who has called us to participate in His life of love, we adore and praise Him today and always. Blessed be God the Father, His only Son, and the Holy Spirit, because He has had mercy on us.
This coming Sunday we will entrust to the Holy Trinity a new pastoral project which we will call “Communio”. It will be dedicated to married couples and the family; therefore, the homily will be based on marriage and the family as a special vocation, just like the domestic church where the future of society is formed. The homilies for today’s Masses will focus on marriage as a model of the Holy Trinity. Also before concluding the mass, I will ask you to do a survey using your cell phones and answering some questions about the situations and difficulties that this vocation faces. I ask you to help me by answering the survey and in the future by participating in the activities that we will have.
Next weekend is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, a day to worship Jesus in the Eucharist. We will have the Eucharistic procession on Saturday, June 18th. We will celebrate a bilingual mass at 5:00pm and then we will have the Eucharistic procession through the neighborhood; this will be prepared by families of the parish. We will not have mass at 7:00pm so we will have more time for the procession. I invite you all to participate, so please don’t miss out on the opportunity to pray together for the intentions of our diocese and our parish.
Also, on June 17th, we will have the farewell potluck for Fr. Rampino. We all will bring something to share and thank Father Rampino for these two years that he has shared with us. Don’t forget to put it on your calendars. We hope to see you there!
Finally, as we all know, the parish is a great community of faith where we grow and nurture ourselves spiritually. That means that we must feel part of it and support it in all matters possible. Financial support is important – it’s used to move the pastoral projects and the entire parish. That is why I encourage those who have not yet registered online to give their parish donation, to please do so. We need your help and support to continue evangelizing. Contact us at the parish office to give you more information and guide you in the process.
I wish you a happy week. I have you in my prayers,
Fr. Alex