Posted on March 28, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Sunday the liturgy offers us a foretaste of Easter joy. The priest’s vestments this Sunday are rose, because we celebrate the Sunday of “laetere”, which invites us to serene joy. “Rejoice with Jerusalem, be glad with her, all you who love her…” With those words today’s entrance antiphon begins.
God wants us happy and optimistic, His will is that we always see His joyful presence in our lives. According to psychology, a person who lives sad and angry ends up depressed and sick in body and soul; that is not a sign of the presence of God. Our joy must be founded on Christ, on our friendship with Him, and on the grace received through the sacraments of penance and the Eucharist. Saint Teresa of Ávila distinguished joy in different types: “Holy Joy” which is the one that arises from within by the grace of God and by the sacramental life. Another type is, “Foolish Joy” which is an external joy that lasts very little and at the end the human being ends up sadder and bitter. Hopefully this Sunday dedicated to joy, we seek to be joyful with the Lord despite the difficulties of life.
I am very grateful for the participation in the activities that we have had. The celebration of Saint Joseph was a success and on behalf of the sisters, I thank you for your support and for your love for the patron saint of the universal Church. May Saint Joseph intercede for us so that we continue working to build the Kingdom of God. Also, I am grateful for the unity and dedication that our groups and ministries gave so that the 40 hours of adoration was a success. I believe that we will soon see the spiritual fruits that our prayerful dialogue with Jesus in the Eucharist will give us and the fruits that as a parish and as a Christian community we will reap. May God continue to bless you.
I also want to remind you that on Monday, April 4th we will have our Lenten Penance service, you are all invited to participate. We will have some guest priests who will help us hear confessions on that day and during the week we will continue with our usual confession schedules.
Finally, you will soon receive the calendar with the Holy Week activities, I hope that we can participate in all the liturgical activities. From now on I encourage you to participate, especially in the Easter Triduum and thus join us in the saving sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope you have a blessed week,
Fr. Alex