Pastor’s Letter | Fifth Sunday of Lent

Posted on April 4, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear parishioners,

We are celebrating the fifth Sunday of Lent, the Sunday before the start of Holy Week. I am sure that our hearts are more than ready to celebrate the Easter festivities. We have been preparing for all these weeks, and hopefully, we will continue to do so in a spirit of recollection this last week.

As I mentioned in the previous letter, next Monday, April 4th, we will have the penitential act of Lent. It is good that we have a day for reconciliation as a parish. We will have a few guest priests who will help us with confessions. We will begin with an act of forgiveness, reflection, and community examination of conscience, and then we will go to hear confessions. I hope you will make an effort to come and participate.

Also, do not forget to participate in the monthly formation on the sacraments every first Tuesday and Thursday of the month. Formation is important to get closer to God and His Church; it helps us understand our faith more and understand our commitment with more love to the Lord and His bride, the church. Our monthly formations are held in Hannan Hall at 7:00 pm.

Please put the dates and times of our Holy Week activities on your calendars, although you will receive a special calendar with information on our Holy Week activities this weekend, there is no harm on reminding you how important it is to participate in all the activities we will have in our parish. On Palm Sunday, the masses will be at regular times. On Saturday, April 9th, we will have a procession with our palms before the 7:00 pm mass, starting in front of the sisters’ convent at 6:45pm. We will distribute palms and then we will walk in procession singing towards the church to celebrate mass. On Holy Thursday, we will have a bilingual mass at 7:00 pm, followed by the procession and Eucharistic Adoration in Hannan Hall; we will stay in adoration until midnight. On Good Friday, a day of penance and reflection, we will have confessions in the morning, Stations of the Cross in English at noon, and the liturgy of the passion in English at 3:00 pm. At 6:00 pm, we will pray the Stations of the Cross in Spanish, and liturgy of the passion at 7:00 pm. On Saturday night, we will celebrate the Easter Vigil in English at 8:30 pm and Spanish at 11:30 pm. Just like last year, we will hold two vigils, my goal is for the two communities to participate and fully experience the mysteries that are celebrated, and thus many more can come. I hope many more of our brothers and sisters can join this beautiful vigil, which is the heart of our faith.

God bless you,

Fr. Alex