Posted on May 17, 2022 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It’s incredible that we are already in the middle of the month of May, the month of Mary, a month that we dedicate to exalt the virtues of our mother. As Catholic Christians we must have a great love for Our Lady, because she as a mother always intercedes for us her children; Saint John Bosco used to say that “Devotion and love for the Most Holy Mary is a protection and a powerful weapon against the snares of the devil”, so this month let us pray with more intensity with the Holy Rosary and place all our prayers and intentions at the feet of the mother. This weekend, we are going to coronate of our Mother, and we will re-consecrate ourselves to her and her maternal protection. This Sunday within the Eucharist we are going to do the coronation act with a lot of love.
On Saturday, May 14th, 20 children from our catechetical program received Holy Communion for the first time. I congratulate them on their first encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. For me it is a special celebration because these children are the future of the church. I congratulate and thank the catechists Ulmi Velasco, Yaly Alvarado, Karla Alemán and María Eugenia Garza who have prepared them with great dedication, have made an effort to educate them in the faith and show them the way to heaven; I also invite all parents to continue educating their children in the faith.
In this same way, I would like to invite all of you to love the sacraments more, especially the sacrament of the Eucharist. I have noticed that some people with this pandemic have accommodated themselves by receiving the Holy Eucharist and doing so mechanically. We must not forget that in the Eucharist we receive a living Jesus who comes to our hearts. I am concerned that love and respect for what is most sacred in our Catholic faith will be lost. Whenever we receive the Eucharist, we must respond with joy and devotion, “Amen”. That phrase is an affirmation that we believe in Him and it is a deep expression of love. In the same way, we must take a few minutes of silence and recollection either by kneeling or sitting in our seat. I have noticed that after communion many people leave the church immediately; this hurts me because it gives me the impression that they do not have the time to remain silent and to thank God for so much love. Do not forget that mass ends with the final blessing and the final song, and if you are in a hurry, it is better not to receive and make a spiritual communion than to make a sacrilege of such a great sacrament. I always ask Jesus for forgiveness on behalf of all those who perhaps unconsciously make these small reparations.
Finally, I appreciate the understanding and support shown by many of you, with the protocols taken in the face of the possible threat of protests due to the situation in the area, I invite you not to be afraid, and to continue praying tirelessly, the devil at no time can make us go back. Thank God it was all just a threat, but we always have to “be prepared because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour and we must resist him with great faith” (1Pe.5, 8).
Have a good week.
God bless you,
Fr. Alex