Posted on June 11, 2021 View all News
Greetings dear brothers and sisters,
We are now in Ordinary Time and during this time, we meditate on the ministry of the public life of Jesus. The Master instructs us and shows us the beauty and simplicity of the Kingdom of God. Today, this Sunday precisely, presents us with two images of great spiritual intensity: the parable of the growth of the seed and the parable of the mustard seed, with these He seeks to extend the kingdom of God among us, and if we meditate carefully we will discover that these parables continue to resonate in our modern minds because behind the sowing of the seed, watering and reaping, we intuit what Jesus is telling us: God has planted something divine in our hearts; God wants to live and grow within us. Let us seek God’s wisdom and obey His inner indications; if we do, then our life will acquire strength and an intensity difficulty to imagine, and we will be able to grow in wisdom, grace, and holiness.
This summer, I want to inform you that we will have the joy and privilege of having a seminarian from our diocese in our parish. His name is Alfredo Tuesta. Alfredo has finished his second year of Pre-Theology at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Penn-sylvania. He will begin his stay in our parish Monday, June 7. I hope we welcome him and make him feel like family. I thank Bishop and the Office of Vocations for their trust in our parish. Alfredo will dedicate his time to give some formation sessions to our liturgical ministries during his stay with us, and I invite you to participate. In the coming days, we will provide you with more information about these formation sessions.
Friday, June 11, is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Saint John Paul II said that “this feast recalls the mystery of the Love that God harbors for men of all times,” therefore, it is a special day to meditate on how much love God has for each one of us. Also, on this day, the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priest is celebrated. Through our priests, God guides us and accompanies us and especially feeds us with the Eucharist and comforts and heals us with the sacraments given to us through them. I ask you to offer a prayer for the sanctification of the priests of our diocese and those of the whole world. Let us ask Jesus to give us healthy, wise, and holy Priests to continue showing His love to the world.
Finally, I thank all of you who supported the parish during the time of the pandemic through your weekly donations; without your help, the parish would not have been able to move forward. Thanks to your generous heart, many changes and repara-tions have been made in our sanctuary and other parish building areas. I also thank all those who continue to send their dona-tions for the Capital Campaign. God bless you; there is still a lot to do! I hope next year to finish the projects with which this initiative began. I also invite those who have not yet made a promise to do so. We needed to complete these work projects.
I wish you all a blessed week, and I ask the heart of Jesus to show his love and mercy to all.
Fr. Alex