Pastor’s Letter | 4th Week of Advent

Posted on January 3, 2025 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear Parishioners:

Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent! We are a few days away from celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord. Today’s Gospel presents us with two characters, Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, who show us the attitude we must have to contemplate this event. It must be an attitude of faith and joyful faith. Elizabeth, with sincere humility, “was filled with the Holy Spirit; and crying out with a loud voice, she said: Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Lk 1:41-43). No one had told her; only faith, the Holy Spirit, had made her see that her cousin was the mother of her Lord, of God.

Knowing Mary’s attitude of total faith, when the Angel announced that God had chosen her to be his earthly mother, Elizabeth did not hold back in proclaiming the joy that faith gives. She emphasizes it by saying, “Blessed are you who have believed!” (Luke 1:45).

Therefore, we must live Christmas with an attitude of faith. But, like Mary and Elizabeth, with joyful faith. And like Elizabeth, we must not hold back when expressing our gratitude and joy for having faith. And, like Mary, we must show it with actions. “Mary went with haste to a village in the hills of Judea and, entering the house of Zechariah, greeted Elizabeth” (Lk 1:39-40) to congratulate her and help her, staying with her for about three months (cf. Lk 1:56). St. Ambrose said that, during these holidays, “let us all have the soul of Mary to glorify the Lord.” We will certainly not lack occasions to share joys and help those in need.

Changing the subject, thank you for all your affection tokens and warm greetings during this time. This is the fifth Christmas with you, and I am pleased to serve you as your pastor. I am grateful for the financial support of our parish; without your collaboration, the parish cannot move forward, and thanks to your sharing heart, we can continue to move forward. I cannot help but thank and congratulate all our volunteers, readers, ushers, choir members, and active members of all the groups and ministries of the parish this Christmas; all of you are the heart of the parish, and I am very grateful for all the support you provide to our parish community. Thank you very much for your effort.

Finally, I thank and congratulate the staff for the hard work they have done this year. They have worked as a team, and I know that they have given their best to serve you as you deserve, always seeking to show the face of Christ.

I remind you that the parish office will be closed from December 23 to January 2, 2024, for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Therefore, if you wish to do any paperwork, please do so before these days. Likewise, the Adoration Chapel will be closed during the holidays.

On behalf of Fr. Dominguez, the staff, and I wish you a blessed Christmas, a time of hope and spiritual reconciliation. May the grace and peace of the Child Jesus abundantly bless your homes, your families, your intentions, and all your projects. We wish you a Merry and Holy Christmas full of peace and well-being.

Fr. Alex