Posted on December 13, 2024 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear Parishioners,
This Sunday, we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent, also called “Gaudete Sunday” or “Sunday of Joy,” we will light the third candle on the Advent Wreath, the rose candle. This candle is also called the “shepherd’s candle”; the rose is a liturgical color for joy, and the priest and deacon wear rose-colored vestments. This Sunday is meant to remind us of the joy the world experienced at the birth of Jesus and to remind us that in the midst of the preparatory sacrifice of Advent, there is also room for joy. It is called Sunday of Joy, in memory of the Latin liturgies when the priest in the opening antiphon invited us to be joyful when he said: “Gaudete in Domino Semper. Interum dico: Gaudete. Dominus prope est” which means “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. The Lord is near” (Phil. 4, 4-5). This Sunday, we should rejoice in all the goods and kindnesses that the Lord has given us; we must have a positive attitude towards all the good and beautiful things that He gives us. Let us look forward to celebrating Christmas in joy and peace.
Changing the subject, I would like to congratulate in a special way the Hispanic ministry groups that prepared a very beautiful celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe. They put a lot of effort into preparing the altar and organizing the mass and the “mañanitas” for our Lady. Thank you for the effort in preparing the food sale after the celebration. I am very happy with the attendance. Blessed be God and His Blessed Mother for such a beautiful response. Congratulations to the groups for their unity and their work together.
I want to remind you that next Tuesday, the 17th, Wednesday, the 18th, and Thursday, the 19th, we will be hearing confessions starting at 6:30 p.m. I invite you to come and prepare to celebrate the great feast of Christmas. Do not forget that we must prepare the way of the Lord and His coming.
This year, 2024, we have finished our cycle of Sunday Socials. I want to thank all the brothers and sisters who made an effort to prepare them, especially Richard and Clarissa Sacra, and all the volunteers for all the effort and sacrifice they put in throughout this year. Every first Sunday of the month is a time of meeting, sharing, and, above all, getting to know each other better. Every month is a different experience; we get to know each other and share, that is, the power of a cup of coffee, the power of meeting, and fraternity. Thank you for sharing and making our parish part of your life, where we grow in friendship and fraternity. Next year, we will continue this beautiful tradition, and many more will join every first Sunday of the month.
Finally, let us remember that the center of Christmas is Jesus. I invite you to put a Nativity scene in your homes, a visible one that reminds us of the beauty of this time but, above all, that reminds us of how Jesus came into our lives. This Christmas, before sitting down at the table to celebrate, whether it is dinner or family lunch, let us say a prayer as a family remembering the graces and gifts that he has brought us, and let us not forget to ask that those most in need also have bread on their tables.
May Jesus and Mary always bless you, and I have you in my prayers.
Fr. Alex