Posted on October 27, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear Parishioners:
On this last weekend of October, today’s liturgy reminds us of our “attitude in life,” when faced with the question of which is the most important commandment of the law, Jesus answers, Shema. A prayer composed of two quotes from Deuteronomy and one from Numbers, which fervent Jews recited at least twice daily: “Listen, Israel! The Lord your God…” By repeating it, they have more awareness of God in their daily lives while remembering the most important thing: Loving God above all and loving one’s neighbor as oneself. The decision to practice this sweet commandment in dealing with others: men and things, work and rest, spirit and matter, because everything is a creature of God.
On the other hand, by being impregnated with the Love of God, which touches us in our entire being, we are enabled to respond “to the divine,” to this Merciful Love that divinizes us, we are “participants” of the divine nature; we are children of the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit. Saint Josemaría liked to talk about “deification,” a word rooted in the Fathers of the Church. Saint Basil said: “Just as clear and transparent bodies, when they receive light, begin to radiate light by themselves, so those that the Spirit has illuminated shine. This entails the gift of grace, endless joy, permanence in God, and the ultimate goal, being saints through compliance with the law and love of neighbor.
On another note, this coming Wednesday, the first of November, is the Solemnity of All Saints, an important holiday and a day of obligation; I invite you to celebrate this solemnity with joy and to participate in the Eucharist. It is a day to meditate on our holiness. The Masses’ times are 6:30 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm in English, and 7:30 pm in Spanish.
On Thursday, the second, the church celebrates the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls). It is also a favorable day to pray for the souls of our family and friends who have already passed away but have left a void in our families. Let us ask God to have mercy on their souls. The Mass schedule will be the usual, and we will only add a mass at 7:00 in Spanish.
As everyone already knows, next Tuesday, the seventh of November, is Election Day. It is an important day for our state. I encourage you to exercise the right to vote. It is our duty as citizens; logically, those eligible to vote will do it. Those who are not, I ask you to join in prayer. The bishops of the state of Virginia always guide us from faith to make better decisions when casting the vote. I encourage you to visit the Virginia Catholic Conference website,, where you can find more resources about this duty and if you have any questions about it.
Finally, this weekend is to recognize our brother Knights of Columbus’s work in the parish at 10:00 am Mass; they will have a place reserved for them and their families. In our parish, they are a great support in all aspects: material, moral, and spiritual. Whenever we need them, they are there to help us. This coming Sunday, after the 10:00 am Mass, we will pray the Holy Rosary for this intention; at the same time, I invite all those men to join this precious movement of Catholic men. May God bless you for all.
I hope you have a blessed weekend.
Fr. Alex