Posted on January 12, 2024 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers and sisters,
We are celebrating the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; this time is called the time of hope; the green color of the ornaments (vestments) of the priests and deacons is green.
This Sunday, John the Baptist fixes his eyes on Jesus and introduces Him to two of his disciples. John invites us not to remain stagnant but rather to look to the Lord; today, more than ever, we need to set our sights on Jesus to advance in the challenges that life puts in our path.
Following Jesus is the most incredible adventure that a human being can experience, but Jesus does not want disciples who follow him from afar but are interested in getting to know Him, who dare to take a step forward and testify accurately who Jesus is. What better way to do it than to get involved in parish life? As your parish pastor, I invite you to participate in our evangelization programs; we need more Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, lectors, catechists, and ushers; our music ministry needs more voices that want to praise and worship Jesus with liturgical singing. You can be an active member of this parish community. In this New Year, may we give more life and increase the evangelizing in the parish. You do not have to be afraid. The pandemic did much damage and alienated many; it is time to return and rebuild all the damage that this phenomenon caused, and those who are better than us working in unity can do it. May we become disciples and witnesses of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in this New Year.
Changing the subject a little, as everyone knows, January is the month to pray for life. Therefore, we must pray tirelessly and defend the life of the unborn. As before the pandemic, our diocese will once again carry out pro-life activities in our diocese. On Thursday, January 18, “Life is Very Good” will be held again, an event with music, confessions, and Eucharistic Adoration, presided over by our bishop; those who wish to participate with their family must purchase tickets through the diocese website. On Friday the 19th in the morning, the rally and mass will be held, and then from there, they will leave by bus to participate in the traditional march. Both events will be held at the Eagle Bank Arena at George Mason University.
Let us unite in prayer with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and give thanks because we were born and ask that abortions stop and that the killing of defenseless children stop. On January 19, let us unite as a parish to celebrate the Holy Mass at 9:00 am in thanksgiving to God for the gift and defense of life.
I hope you have a happy week. Remember that I always have you in my prayers, and remember to pray for Father Paul and this servant; this year, we want to continue working and serving you with more strength.
In Jesus and Mary
Fr. Alex