Posted on October 6, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear parishioners:
The month of October is a special month for me because it brings many celebrations, but most of all because it is a month dedicated to the Virgin Mary. She, like a good mother, always protects us. As in the previous letter, I invite you to pray the holy Rosary every day, asking for peace, unity and above all for life. Remember the challenge I have given you, to pray the Holy Rosary every day for a special intention each day.
This entire month is dedicated to praying for the end of abortion, and to praying for the defense of life. It’s sad to see how many people take abortion as if it were something normal, as if killing a baby meant nothing, it is outrageous. However, we can still ask for God’s mercy for all these people. This month let us pray tirelessly for the abortion doctors and for the institutions that profit from the destruction of the lives of the unborn, and also pray for all these poor women who are unaware and allow this to happen. As a parish we will dedicate this month to pray every day for these intentions, at the same time I invite us to demonstrate in favor of life by placing a pro-life flag on our doors; These can be ordered by visiting Let’s say yes to life and no to abortion.
Since last September we hired Jose Gbaba as director of the youth ministry, and thanks to God and his charisma the ministry has already begun to take shape; and several young people are attending these meetings, the meetings are on Tuesdays for High Schoolers and on Fridays with middle schoolers; Fridays are when there is a greater response from children. Last Friday almost fifty arrived! For me it is a joy because it has always been a dream of mine to have an alive youth program. For this reason, I encourage all parents with young people between the ages of twelve and 17 to attend our programs. Also, I invite those with a good heart who want to donate funds to maintain the program to do so, since the budget for this program is not large, and it is necessary to buy materials and give the kids a snack or buy pizza sometimes to encourage them. I feel safe and very happy because I know that many of you as parishioners are not going to let this ministry run out of funds.
Finally, Father Berghout and I thank you for your prayers, especially for the spiritual bouquet you gave us last week, for the day dedicated to the priesthood, your rosaries and Eucharists help us continue in our priestly ministry. Remember, each priest owes himself to his people and to his spiritual family, which is the parish.
May God bless you all. I have you in my prayers.
Fr. Alex