Pastor’s Letter | 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted on August 2, 2024 View all Pastor's Letter

Dear Parishioners,
The people in this Sunday’s gospel went to look for Jesus, but they did not find Him because they
were looking for Him not because of who He was but because He had satisfied their hunger. God
seems to disappear from our horizon when we want to meet our needs instead of seeking Him.
Now, the fact that God disappears from our horizon when we seek Him according to our interests
or needs does not mean that God punishes us by distancing himself from us, but that by forcing
God to do what we want, we end up far from Him and from the work that He wants to carry out
in us. One of the possible results of this way of searching for God – which consists of searching
for ourselves – is that, like the people in the first reading, we end up murmuring against God
because He does not meet our expectations while we ignore the expectations that God has for us.
Both with the manna in the desert and with the multiplication of the loaves, the Word tells us that
the Lord wants something more than simply satisfying our basic needs. He wants us to continue
walking, advancing in our faith, and maturing as Christians so that we produce fruits. Let us seek
the Lord not just to satisfy our needs, but to bask in the joy of living in His grace and love, a joy
that uplifts and inspires us.
At the parish level, on September 8, we will begin the Religious Education program, and thank
God we have several children and young people registered, but there are still many who were
enrolled in the Confirmation program who have not returned to register; I invite the parents not
to leave registration until the last minute. I am pleased with the response of many parents
interested in their children being formed in the faith. However, we still need volunteers to help us
as catechists; some of our former catechists this year will no longer be able to help, so please
consider helping in this program. Remember, forming the church of tomorrow is always a
commitment for everyone, and your role is integral to our community.
I also inform you that this weekend and next, some members of the staff will be selling raffle
tickets as well as for the Festival food. These events are not just about fun and entertainment, but
also about supporting our parish projects. Your participation is crucial to the success of these
events. I have the feeling that it will be a great day, to enjoy with the family, we will have
different games for the children, live music, Mariachi, traditional dances and many other
surprises; as I have mentioned before, the objective is to unite more as a parish and get to know
each other better.
Finally, I let you know that many still need to return the raffle tickets. I know that there are less
than three weeks left, but please send them as soon as possible so that we can start working on
organizing the raffle. I invite you to help us by promoting the raffle and the festival. It is an
excellent opportunity to make a little profit and support the parish projects. Please help me by
selling the tickets and promoting the raffle.
I am deeply grateful for your support and commitment to our parish community. You are all in
my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Alex