Posted on July 14, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers in Christ Jesus:
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus continues to sow in our hearts the seed of the Gospel and the desire to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus, as a good teacher, knows how to reach his listeners in an attractive and simple way, he seeks to capture our attention more and draw our gaze towards him, towards his Kingdom, towards the house of the Father who is Heaven, a place to which we should all aspire . He frequently uses parables, especially when he speaks of the Kingdom of God. These are vivid comparisons, stories or images taken from ordinary life, while being easy to remember and apply to our life of faith.
The parable of the sower that we hear today is one of the most significant parables because it expresses the acceptance or the way in which the preaching of his Kingdom can be ignored; A seed, something so small, makes us understand that God is not only found in the big and spectacular, but also in the small and simple. Usually, we tend to look for God in the spectacular and wonderful, not in the small and insignificant. We have to be clear that God continues to act in the world through what is small and simple and that although we do not see him, he is there and acts, all we have to do is believe and let him do his work among us.
I want to invite all the altar servers to the training that we will have for them on August 5th. It will be a very beautiful occasion to share and learn more about the liturgy and how to serve Jesus more and better in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Mark it on your calendars. This training is for all children and adolescents who are already altar servers and for all those who are not yet and are interested in becoming one; I invite parents with children who have already received their First Communion to be part of this ministry, we need more altar servers. Do not forget to participate August 5 starting at 10:00 am.
This week you all should have already received the tickets for the Parish Festival raffle, together with the tickets is a letter of explanation on how to return. I beg you please to send the tickets as soon as possible, so that the staff and volunteers begin to work and complete the entire process. Remember that the raffle provides the biggest financial support for the parish. If you need to sell more tickets, do not hesitate to call or come to the parish office.
Finally, don’t forget to register your children for the Religious Education program. Don’t leave something so important to the last moment. Education in the faith is something of the utmost importance in our parish. The parish office is open and you can come whenever you want.
I hope you have a blessed week and don’t forget to give God the best.
Fr. Alex