Posted on November 30, 2021 View all News
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Happy Advent Season! This Sunday, we begin the Advent season, a time of grace and preparation to receive Jesus in the manger of our hearts. For me, it is one of the most beautiful times because, together with Christmas, they make me enter an atmosphere of peace and meditation on the great mystery of the incarnation of Jesus in the world.
With Advent, we have started a new liturgical year. In this new year, we will read the Gospel of Saint Luke, a very profound Gospel. The word Advent comes from the Latin adventus, which means coming, arrival. Therefore, Advent invites us to prepare ourselves in our way to celebrate the great festivals of Christmas.
We are one week away from starting the last month of this year, a year that, like the previous one, has been fraught with great challenges and that in one way or another has changed the world, and society itself, locked us up, and distanced us, but at the same time, I think that everything brought in this year should help us to renew hope, and above all to look at ourselves in our failures and weaknesses. We should be grateful to God that we are still alive and healthy.
I announce that next Sunday, December 5, we will have our first Social Sunday, after almost two years of being absent, and it will be a special occasion because that day we are going to bless the reconstruction of Hannan Hall, it will be a beautiful day to share and to meet again. After so much time. Everyone is welcome as on previous occasions. I am very excited about this new challenge that we as a parish have overcome. Soon we will meet again.
Also, I want to anticipate that you put on your calendars that in preparation for the Christmas celebration, we will have a Penance Service on Wednesday, December 15, we will be listening to confessions starting at 7:00 pm, we will invite other priests to help us and thus enter ready to celebrate the Christmas holidays.
Finally, I invite you to start preparing to participate in the First Parish Christmas Festival that we will celebrate on December 18 in front of the church, it will be from 5 to 10 pm, we will put a living manger, with real animals, and we will have a Petting Zoo, Christmas caroling, and a live Nativity scene. The objective is to make sure that we live these Christmas holidays with intensity as a parish family. We will have food for sale and other surprises; put it on your calendar now because it will be a special day for everyone.
May Jesus and Mary always bless you!
Fr. Alex