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Check out our Towards a Family of Families Capital Campaign Brochure here!
We invite you and others who have not yet made a pledge to this ongoing campaign to raise funds to provide essential safety upgrades and renovations of the most sacred and universally used spaces throughout campus.
Our Parish Family
Since our founding in 1963, Queen of Apostles has been blessed with a vibrant parish life. Our Eucharistic devotion and our familial bonds are evident in all that we do. We aspire to be an ark where parishioners can find shelter to be healed and find a new beginning to their stories.
Over the years, the sacramental and ministry life of the parish has grown greatly. At the same time, many original components of the church—and the campus have reached maturity. Repairs come more frequently and cost more. We look to our parish family as we embark on projects to strengthen our faith community and facilities for years to come.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a family of families committed to growing in discipleship of Christ. There are several projects at hand that will assist us in fulfilling our vision:
- Renovating the Parish Family Center: We need to repurpose what was once the Rectory and redesign our current office/meeting spaces to provide more efficient space for meetings, study groups, and gathering spaces for our 40+ ministries.
- Enhance the liturgical and sacramental life of our parish family: Increase/enhance the lighting in the sanctuary; replace the church organ; renovate/upgrade the confessionals; replace the failing boiler heating system, with modern, clean, high-efficient electric heat and air conditioning; upgrade the sound technology throughout the church and addressing other needs which will enhance the liturgical and sacramental life of our parish family.
- Improving Our Campus: Renovating school bathrooms and interior upgrades; enhancing security across campus, and other imminent projects all are of major emphasis as we continue to move our parish ahead.
Suitable financing options, which enable the parish to make these significant (and expensive) improvements, while exercising trusted fiducial stewardship of the parishioners’ donations. And now, secondly, the COVID pandemic and its impact on our parish, the community, and our nation and the world.
Our Solution
After extensive consideration and prayer, we executed a $2.5 million Capital Campaign in early 2019. While “victory” was declared towards the end of 2019 (pledges totaling nearly the $2.5M), we are still far away from realizing the full cash value of those pledges.
Blessed Progress to Date
With answered prayers, many families have already met or exceeded their pledges. With that cash infusion, the parish is already seeing the blessing of enhanced sacramental life within the four walls of the sanctuary:
- Installation of the new organ (March 2019)
- Installation of new HVAC system (November 2019)
- Installation of upgraded sound system (October 2020)
- Installed new lights over the altar and statues of the Apostles (November & December 2020)
- Painting of the ceiling (had never been done before), walls and backgrounds (December 2020)
While the immediate visual and audio enhancements have truly improved the liturgical quality of the Masses, much remains to be done, including, but certainly not limited to:
- Replacing the chandeliers (Spring 2021)
- Installing a new roof on the church (Spring 2021)
- Renovating the Confessionals (Spring 2021)
- Campus-wide security enhancements
- Upgrades in technology and communications
- Beforementioned upgrades within the school
- Renovation of the Parish Center
Therefore, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I ask you to prayerfully consider making your own sacrificial pledge to this continuing campaign—and if you have made a pledge, please keep it up to date until it has been satisfied. Your pledge or cash contribution may be made using FaithDirect, PayPal, or other electronic modes as well as by checks made out to Queen of Apostles with Capital Campaign in the memo line.
Our community joined together in the Towards a Family of Families campaign to improve our Parish so it may better fulfill its mission to promote and celebrate the relationships that exist between home, church, and school. Our campaign reflects one community unified in prayer, shared responsibility, and hard work with the collective mission to ensure the future of this parish.
I prayerfully and respectfully ask for your enthusiastic support in this Parish-wide effort.
Fr. Alex
Call (703)-354-8711 ext. 10 with any questions or to make a pledge.