
Lent, the solemn 40-day period before Easter, holds profound significance. It is a season of penitence and preparation. During this season we practice and engage in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Lent gives us an invitation to reflect, repent, and renew our commitment to living a life of faith, ultimately leading to the joyful celebration of Easter, but most importantly deepen our connection with God.


Ash Wednesday

February 14th, 2024

Lenten Bible Study 

Led by: Deacon Kapral 

Every Monday at 7pm in Hannan Hall

“Lent is a time of truth, a time to drop the masks we put on each day to appear perfect in the eyes of the world, …. reject lies and hypocrisy. Not the lies and hypocrisies of others, but our own.”
– Pope Francis 

Stations of the Cross


Stations of the Cross will begin the first week of Lent (Friday, February 16th) and continue every Friday during Lent.



The Light is on for You!

Join us every Wednesday starting February 21st- March 27th at 6:30pm to receive God’s mercy and grace through the sacrament of Confession.

Examination of Conscious Guide 

Knights of Columbus | Lenten Fish Fry 


Knights if Columbus Council 4522 are sponsoring two Lenten Fish Fry this Lenten season: February 23th & March 8th.  Join us  from 6:00—8:00 pm in Hannan Hall. Tickets will be sold at the door! 

40 Hours Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament 



Please consider spending an hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, sign up for an hour (or more)!

Sign Up Here. 

Lenten Penance Service

Join us the Monday before Holy Week begins for confessions! 

Holy Week Schedule