Posted on January 3, 2025 View all Gospel Reflection
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb”
On this, the last Sunday of Advent we share with Mary the great moment of encounter between her and her cousin Elizabeth. One thing in the Gospel that caught my attention this year was the phrase from Elizabeth when she says “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” First her recognition of Mary as the mother of the Messiah is clearly the work of inspiration by God to Elizabeth. But also, Elizabeth was surprised that Mary would even come out to visit her. She did not expect that! If we think about it, it should be rather surprising to us as well.
After all, Elizabeth would not have expected Mary to travel when she was pregnant. Even less so, would she expect her to travel such a difficult passage if she is carrying in her womb the Messiah. But Mary knew that God wanted her to accompany Elizabeth. Why else would the angel have shared with her the news of Elizabeth’s pregnancy? Mary would find out soon enough that she gave birth to John the Baptist even in her advanced age.
But Mary’s heart was always focused on looking beyond herself. In her response to Elizabeth’s greeting, we see how her joy is grounded in her humility. “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;” (Lk. 11:46-48). As we live this last week (actually two days) of Advent, let us take the time to give thanks to the Lord for the great joys he has given us in our life and then look for how we can share that joy with others.
Time is short — don’t be left out in the cold. Look at the words from the Letter to Hebrews: “Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire”. Let us do the will of God, for that is what he truly desires. We might think that making a big Christmas display, or a huge tree, or a large Christmas dinner or buying expensive presents for our family and friends will make Jesus happy, but he doesn’t need any of those things.
He wants to be with us. He desires the encounter of hearts like that of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth. Let us be moved to reconcile our hearts to Him and thus bring joy to the Christ-child and his mother. Let us believe that what has been spoken to us by the Lord has indeed been fulfilled by the arrival of the Messiah and that together with Him and through Him and in Him we will be led to salvation and eternal life.