Posted on January 12, 2023 View all Pastor's Letter
Dear brothers and sisters,
We are celebrating the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, this time is called the time of hope, which is why the priest dresses in green. This Sunday, John the Baptist shows us in a very serious way to follow the lamb of God, the one who takes away the sin of the world, with this John invites us not to remain stagnant but to look at the Lord and not to weaken. Precisely today more than ever we must set our eyes on Jesus so that this harsh storm we are experiencing is softer and less dark. Let us not get tired of following the Lamb of God through sacramental life and personal prayer.
Following Jesus is the greatest adventure that a human can experience, but Jesus does not want disciples who follow Him from afar, but rather disciples who are interested in knowing Him, who dare to take a step forward and as John the Baptist says today in the gospel, properly testify who Jesus is. What better way to do this than to get involved in parish life. As your pastor, I invite you to participate in our evangelization programs: we need more Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers, and our Music ministry needs more voices that want to praise and adore Jesus with liturgical singing; think that you can be an active member of this parish community. May we give it more life in this new year and spread out the evangelizing fire in the parish. You do not have to be afraid. The pandemic did a lot of damage and pushed many away; It is time to return, time to rebuild all the damage that this phenomenon caused and who better to do it, than all of us working together. May in this new year we become disciples/witnesses of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Changing the subject a bit, as everyone knows, January is the month to pray for life, I know that this year we are not obliged to participate in the National March For Life that has been held in Washington D.C. for years, but out of conscience and the defense for life, we must pray tirelessly, and defend the life of the unborn. Our bishop, Michael Burbidge, is the president of the pro-life committee of the bishops’ conference for the entire country; He will preside over the National Prayer Vigil for Life, with the celebration of the Holy Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, on Thursday, January 19th at 5:00pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine, in D.C. Those who can participate are invited to do so. As a parish I want to encourage us to join the 9 day novena for life, beginning on January 19th and ending on the 27th. Let us unite in prayer with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and give thanks that we were born and ask that abortions cease and stop to kill defenseless children. On January 20th, let us unite as a parish to celebrate the Holy Mass of thanksgiving to God for the gift of human life and defense of it- this will be at the 9:00am mass. I want to give a special highlight to this celebration, and there is no better way to do it than by offering Holy Mass. Please attend.
I hope you have a joyful week. Remember that I always have you in my prayers and please do not forget to pray for Fr. Paul and I; that this year we want to continue working and serving you with more strength.
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Alex