23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time | Year B

Posted on septiembre 6, 2024 View all Gospel Reflection

«Happy Birthday Mary!»
While today we celebrate the Twenty-Third Sunday in the liturgical cycle, September 8 is also the day
that the Church has traditionally honored as the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This custom began
back as early as the seventh century and in fact was a holy day in the west by 1007. The Eastern Church
also begins its church year in September which moved them to select that date to honor Our Lady.
While the date is symbolic, the readings for this Sunday could not be better to speak of and honor Mary
and her role in salvation history. It is also nine months after December 8, on which the Church
celebrates the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. It is also the day on which Mary is honored
as Our Lady of Charity the patroness of Cuba (the statue appeared circa 1608 and she was declared
patroness of Cuba by Pope Benedict XV in 1916).
As we listen to the readings for this week we hear from Isaiah “Thus says the Lord: Say to those whose
hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!” (Is 35:4) These very words echo the word of the Archangel
Gabriel who said to Mary “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” (Lk. 1:30) And
those words should also resonate in our hearts as well. For we who are now through the merits of the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by our Baptism in the waters, are called brothers and sisters
of Christ.
Accordingly, we are called to live and respond as we know Mary did. When she learned that Elizabeth
her cousin was expecting, she did not defer or put off her visit, rather she went in haste to the hill
country to visit and assist her. Mary’s response to the Annunciation was to move into action. She also
was one to look out for the needs of all around her. She did not show partiality, rather she brought the
needs of all to the feet and ears of Jesus Christ. Her actions embodied the words of the Letter of James.
And if you recall at the wedding at Cana when she saw the wedding party running short of wine. “Do
whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) Our Lady also is one whose eyes and ears were always open to see
and hear the Word of God in her life. From hearing the words of the angel, to receiving the Word made
flesh in her womb, to seeing Christ perform miracles and healings, her love for Him was like a stream
that burst forth in the desert. Her life became like a pool of water in the midst of the burning sands of
the world.
The Gospel shows Jesus healing a deaf man who had a speech impediment. As he healed him, Jesus said:
“Ephphatha! – that is, “Be opened!” (Mk 7:34) In the Rite of Baptism the Church also recalls these words
as we pray “The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to
receive his word, and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father.” (Rite
of Baptism §101)
As we move into this week, do we ask the Lord to give us courage so that we will not fear to follow him?
Let us also ask him for the grace to listen to his word (especially in Sacred Scripture) and to speak his
name (especially through our actions), so that all may come to know that we are Christians by our love.