Posted on agosto 30, 2024 View all Gospel Reflection
«Did you wash your hands?»
A common question posed to children when they come to dinner or finish using the bathroom. In Jesus’
time the people of Israel had many such regulations regarding the washing of hands, cups, pots, etc. I
am sure that these regulations had their origin in keeping good hygiene, but over time they became
regulations that had to be followed and in fact had become mostly ceremonial. The real contrast came
when Jesus called the Pharisees out on how they were a people who honor God with their lips, but their
hearts are far from Him. They would teach these regulations as doctrines but disregard God’s
In the first reading Moses declares to the people how blessed and great they are to have the Lord so
close to them, that he has given them statutes and decrees and the Ten Commandments as a means to
follow Him. He says that if they follow them, they will give evidence of their wisdom and intelligence to
other nations, who will say “This great nation is truly a wise and intelligent people.’ For what great
nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord, our God, is to us whenever we call upon him …
and has statutes and decrees that are as just as this whole law …?” (Dt. 4:6-8)
But alas, they did not keep those commandments, and actually only kept the external observances. For
this reason Jesus said that well did Isaiah prophesy about them as hypocrites. Jesus teaches us that
“From within people, from our hearts, that come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery,
greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within
and they defile.” (Mk. 7:20-23) In the second reading we are exhorted to “be doers of the word and not
hearers only, deluding ourselves.” (Jas 1:22)
This week we are called to reflect on how do I live out the commandments of the Lord in my own life. Do
I merely complete them on the surface, or do I live them from my heart. Let us not just wash our hands,
but may we wash our hearts with the blood of Jesus to live and follow Him on our journey to heaven.