15th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Year B

Posted on julio 12, 2024 View all Gospel Reflection

I don’t want to hear about it…
All too often, when people come to us and it looks like they are bringing bad news, we tell them «I don’t
want to hear about it.»
In the first reading for this Sunday, those are precisely the words that the Jewish priest Amaziah said to
the Prophet Amos. «Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah … never again prophesy in Bethel».
The chosen people of God had continued to be rebellious and disobedient to the commandments and
were unfaithful to their covenant with God. It is unfortunate that sometimes we can be hardheaded and
not want to hear what is important for us to know — especially when it can prevent us from getting to
Even in the Gospel, when Jesus sends forth his disciples to go out two by two to preach the coming of
the Kingdom, Jesus realizes that there will be people who do not want to hear the message. He instructs
the disciples «Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off
your feet in testimony against them.»
But the underlying truth is that Jesus goes to great lengths to ensure that we have opportunities to hear
the Gospel message. God invites us regularly to repent of our sinfulness and return to Him. St. Paul
writes that «In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ» it is in Him that we have
redemption through his blood and receive forgiveness of our transgressions.
So when we take time this week to reflect on how are we responding to the call of Christ to follow Him,
let us be welcoming to His invitation. We were chosen by God the Father almighty before the
foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before him. He loves us so much that he
extends to each of us every opportunity to be saved. But we must say yes. We must listen. We must
repent and return to Him to be united to Him.
Let us pray to the Lord that he might grant us the grace to see His kindness and grant us His salvation.